Tuesday, December 13, 2011

1.242 EUR/USD

1.242 "Street" may be the important level to watch now.

No big deal, the 1.242 ratio would simply get the planet back to the start of the Ben Bernanke "printing press monopoly" syndrome.

Of course, all the banks will be worthless by then because they took on way-too-much additional risk with your "real" money (currency).

Oh well, economics is economics. Sometimes the stupid are as the stupid do.

MF Global $1.2B "Gone"

The C.N.B.C. says no big deal. Gone is gone.

But that's kind of like saying the planet just lost 200T KWH of energy from the Hoover "dam" and it is simply GONE, i.e. it didn't go anywhere.

Ah... well... ah... probably someone simply , made it kind of... well... ah... kind of... a ... HARDER TO FIND!


Crooks are crooks. Do not "forget" the crooks as the Consortium communicates. When is fraud "fraud" and when is it legal?

Shorting Instructions for US Equities

1. Short immediately.

2. Do this intelligently with low risk per our derivative rules.

3. Allow yourselves enough time, e.g. Jan12 expiration or later.

4. WATCH the EUR/USD overnight, the insti's will try their best to raise the ratio.

5. If the ratio continues lower, the banks will be forced to sell everything but the proverbial kitchen sink.

Consortium Currency News (C.N.B.C.) - Occupy Wall Street

Here is the direct and official communication from "Wall Street" -

1. This quarter (fiscal Q) will be the BEST RISING quarter in the history of the planet Earth.

2. Nobody cares about the EUR/USD collapse. In fact, NO ONE was anticipating PRINTING PRESS CRIMES regarding the US Dollar from the FOMC Minutes today. The "info" was "incorrect" and crimes were NOT committed - ooops.

3. The banks are all fine. They will prosper in January(!!)


Buy gold on the dips. Sell equities before you become just another victim.

Worldwide Financial Collapse

Per our 11/26 post, Wed. morning could be that single US morning that reminds us of 2008 in the fourth Q.

The EUR/USD has fallen so far and so sharply at the "disappointment" about the US not participating in FUNDING the worldwide currency collapse for now that lots of things could happen, e.g. US banks being forced to commit crimes -or- instead to sell everything they own at a loss and to then default on YOU(!) Uggg

Well, the institutions put themselves and your money in that predicament, not YOU! Best wishes!!

If not Wed. let's hope it's not simply Thur. instead.