Monday, November 7, 2011

Occupy Wall Street - and for You?

All the entries below culminate in a few things for most folks and the big banks make everything worse.

Printing USD will mean the cost of a hamburger or taco rises by the same ratio... twice as much? A $10 hamburger?

Your income will not rise because wage deflation is fully in force so your effective income would be less than half.

If you are wealthy, you can get a calculator and divide your wealth by the factor 2 or more.

Gasoline and other US dollar traded commodities? Get a bus token.

Good news? Maybe you owe zero taxes. There goes the Navy... no $.

Worldwide currency deflation is not funny in this situation.

This is not a political issue; instead, we need to dispel this issue before the politicians kill all of us through ignorance.

US TAX Dollars for Europe?

Please read our blog entries.

Anyone who advocates US TAX Dollars to help Europe when we have plenty of problems here by ourselves? Anyone who supports US TAX for the Euro needs to be fired immediately and everyone in their political party needs to be fired and never re-elected.

Those advocators can go to the EU and run for office there.


Printing USD? SAME THING = TAX DOLLARS for Europe. No way.

CNBC News - Europe

Well, Europe is faultering and the US companies that depend on the Euro-Zone economy are therefore faultering.



Europe is faultering because of unproductivity and the US institutions have already (stupidly) invested there. No one asked our banks to invest in Europe, the idiots decided for themselves.

Banks, semiconductors, tech, energy, even US real estate, name it...! all trade on the same EUR/USD algorithm because, if they didn't, the insti's could lose their Euro investments.

If the super-computer algorithms were not "quanting" US Equities as just another Forex trade and thereby manipulating ALL markets, then there would not be any problem.

We fully agree, where is the SEC relative to CNBC and the big institutions?

US Equities Dominated by Forex - EUR/USD

Why is the EUR/USD forex trade excactly the same trade as US equities?

Because the US has not been a good big-money investment since 2008 when the banks caused the housing collapse.

Once you send the USD($) out of the country in order to profit, then you need to also get the $ back in to the country since the collective 'funds' take in USD and also need to pay-out in USD.

Japan? uh uh. The government and the BOJ are well known currency manipulators.

China? No way. A few old guys there own and practice the most proliferating and the absolute best art of currency manipulation.
In other words, the inst's would never get their USD($) back/repatriated.

So the Euro is the key to success... or... ah... maybe... maybe the whole idea doesn't work out because of the OBVIOUS lack of productivity there?

No big deal, it's your money not the insti's money.

US Bank Fees - Occupy Wall Street Tutorial

Q: Why did US big banks start charging extra and unusual ATM and other card transaction fees so suddenly and recently?

A: Because the big banks are under severe pressure for "earnings" since their European assets are continually written down as risky failing investments with your money. These banks are publically-traded corporations and are under pressure as such.

Q: Earnings?

A: Yes, earnings = basic revenue (income) minus (subtracted) basic cost/expense (e.g. a typical expense is the interest or lack thereof the banks pay you for depositing your money with them.)

Q: Why do the big banks need to invest in the Euro-Zone and take on all the extra risk with our money?

A: Because the housing collapse (bank-caused) in 2008 and the flattened "yield-curve" in response to the collapsed US economy has made it too difficult for the big banks to invest in the US.

Q: And where do they invest then?

A: Greece, Italy, and Spain for the most part.

Q: Directly?

A: Of course not(!) Please read the blog. There are several and many "middle-men" so that the regulators cannot find out. Until...

Price of Gold in USD (GLD)

Up significantly today.

There seems to be an anxiety about currency stability. There is no other reason for GLD to jump so fast.

Uccupy Wall Street Smarts - Chase and BAC

At a recent (Sept./Oct.) FED press conference, CHASE Bank called out Ben Bernanke complaining about the FED policies.

With all due respect, do you believe what CNBC tells you?

The banks and the FED are as close as a pig in xxxx.

Don't get fooled again. Frankly, if you (we) get fooled for the 2nd time, then shame on us.

When will the USD be "Printed" like Monopoly Money? EUR/USD

The first hurdle has been hurdled, Barack Obama said "NO" to the EU during the recent G20 conference. Make no mistake, "no" = NO more printing presses for now in the US for free EU aid. (In other words, Ben Bernanke has now been temporarily controlled by the US Administration.)

Other hurdles to the printing presses? Frankly, the election year should help as a hurdle because normally Republicans don't like price inflation = currency deflation. We hope this will be another hurdle the printing presses cannot overcome. (Until the big bank lobby gets started.)

If the world is fortunate, there should be no more printing press currency deflation in the US until well after the 2012 election.

If the world is unfortunate, well, ... a ...hggmmm... ah ... well, then ALL worldwide currencies will be worthless due to the cataylst of unproductivity (starting in the Euro-Zone) and spot GOLD will be worth $5000 - 10,000(US) per once by EOQ 1Q-2Q calandar 2012.

Occupy Wall Street Please - EUR/USD Tutorial

Q: After only bad news from the EU, why has the EUR/USD only dropped a little?

A: Because EUR/USD is a currency 'ratio' - it is a ratio with the USD as the denominator just as in basic arithmetic. If the USD goes down, the ratio value goes up.

Q: USD going DOWN in valuation?

A: Ben Bernanke indicated a likelihood of US dollar "printing" if the EU situation doesn't improve. That would mean large scale USD deflation and the EUR/USD ratio would remain kind-of-close to "not dropping severely" since the USD denominator would then drop rapidly to keep the fraction mostly intact relative with the worthless Euro.

Q: Why would anyone bother for all that?

A: The US big banks, Chase, BAC, and many other "institutions = insti's" have transformed many USD into EUR (Euros) in order to get higher rates-of-return (similar to interest rates) than the US insti's can get in the US at the present time. (Read the blog, it is already a clear fact.)

Q: I still don't get it?

A: If the insti's lose everyone's (your) money once again (from a risky failed currency exchange) after already causing a similar credit collapse in 2008, they will cause a 2nd WWFC = world wide financial collapse and will probably not be forgiven anytime soon.

Q: Why can't the US FED let the EU deal with itself?

A: Because there are so many USD $$$ in the EU from the large institutions - it's been called "too big to fail" for the second time. Ick.