The first hurdle has been hurdled, Barack Obama said "NO" to the EU during the recent G20 conference. Make no mistake, "no" = NO more printing presses for now in the US for free EU aid. (In other words, Ben Bernanke has now been temporarily controlled by the US Administration.)
Other hurdles to the printing presses? Frankly, the election year should help as a hurdle because normally Republicans don't like price inflation = currency deflation. We hope this will be another hurdle the printing presses cannot overcome. (Until the big bank lobby gets started.)
If the world is fortunate, there should be no more printing press currency deflation in the US until well after the 2012 election.
If the world is unfortunate, well, ... a ...hggmmm... ah ... well, then ALL worldwide currencies will be worthless due to the cataylst of unproductivity (starting in the Euro-Zone) and spot GOLD will be worth $5000 - 10,000(US) per once by EOQ 1Q-2Q calandar 2012.