Q: Why did US big banks start charging extra and unusual ATM and other card transaction fees so suddenly and recently?
A: Because the big banks are under severe pressure for "earnings" since their European assets are continually written down as risky failing investments with your money. These banks are publically-traded corporations and are under pressure as such.
Q: Earnings?
A: Yes, earnings = basic revenue (income) minus (subtracted) basic cost/expense (e.g. a typical expense is the interest or lack thereof the banks pay you for depositing your money with them.)
Q: Why do the big banks need to invest in the Euro-Zone and take on all the extra risk with our money?
A: Because the housing collapse (bank-caused) in 2008 and the flattened "yield-curve" in response to the collapsed US economy has made it too difficult for the big banks to invest in the US.
Q: And where do they invest then?
A: Greece, Italy, and Spain for the most part.
Q: Directly?
A: Of course not(!) Please read the blog. There are several and many "middle-men" so that the regulators cannot find out. Until...