Why is the EUR/USD forex trade excactly the same trade as US equities?
Because the US has not been a good big-money investment since 2008 when the banks caused the housing collapse.
Once you send the USD($) out of the country in order to profit, then you need to also get the $ back in to the country since the collective 'funds' take in USD and also need to pay-out in USD.
Japan? uh uh. The government and the BOJ are well known currency manipulators.
China? No way. A few old guys there own and practice the most proliferating and the absolute best art of currency manipulation.
In other words, the inst's would never get their USD($) back/repatriated.
So the Euro is the key to success... or... ah... maybe... maybe the whole idea doesn't work out because of the OBVIOUS lack of productivity there?
No big deal, it's your money not the insti's money.