Tuesday, February 21, 2012

EUR/USD - Remains Steadfast by the Institutions

Just track an up vs. down day for US equities.

Nothing has changed. EUR up, USD down, market and oil up, dah dah dah same old same old.

But Europe is not a problem anymore, right? Wrong.

Europe will be a big institutional problem again as soon as you invest your money with the insti's.

The complete idiot Greek default and ECB scheme to inflate the EUR will not help the EUR/USD right?

Why is gold/USD up today? Exactly the same reason.

Good luck if you trust your "broker!"

Appendix A

Appendix A

The difference in value between b(min) derived from the Schrödinger equation and b calculated empirically from Earth-surface F-sub-G is 8.4E-19 meters and proves to be the mean factor 1.079 or 7.9%.

The concept of continuous time t leads to exponential growth-decay:

a = a-sub-0 x e^ (rate x time) where e = lim (n infinity) (1 + 1/n)^n = 2.718.

Applying the expression for time itself, then

T(new) / T(old) = e^(r x t) = e^(0) = 1.

For time t itself, the rate r = 0 and there is no change in continuous time t so that one “second” of “time t” does not change. Time t is absolute.

Differential equations for centuries, e.g. the Schrödinger equation, assume time t is a real and continuous variable.

In the transformation t = cB, we need to treat continuity of time as a slight-contiguity of space.

In that case, we find 3 x 10^8 met/sec to be a large enough frequency (number n) to continue using the calculated value of e = 2.718 = lim as ninfinity of (1+1/n)^n.

But in a directional spatial sequential model, then space itself advances or grows per some rate different from r = 0.

As a one dimensional chalk line curves in a two dimensional blackboard, and as a two-dimensional earth-surface curves in three-dimensional space, then a change in 3-dimensional space needs to take place in a mathematical dimension higher than 3.

Postulating the higher number of dimension (vertices) to be 5 as in the Fibonacci infinite sequence, and considering physical events B = 1 / b = sec^2, then we calculate the following for one second of time t:

(V-sub-S / V-sub-0)^1/5 = e^(rV x t)^1/5 = e^(.618^(5-3))^1/5 = 1.079

or a 7.9% decrease in physical events B (increase in one-dimensional size b) from the continuous-time model used to calculate b(min).

New Physics - Could Help Pharma and High Tech

A Mathematical Transformation of Variables Regarding Space - Time

Silicon Valley, California
January, 2012


A variable transformation for time t is supported by wave mechanics and relativity theory and shows that time and space can be related and connected by the concept of physical events per unit space. The transformation confirms our daily macroscopic experience as unchanged from classical physics while still suggests new physics regarding small energies and large spaces. Perceived time can be altered relative to Earth-bound clocks in regions of lower or higher gravitational force. A verification of calculations is shown.


In this model, it is shown that continuous time t and a contiguous view of spatial frames are mathematically the same in the macroscopic sense. A suggested transformation of variables presents interesting differences in concept for small and large energies and spaces.


We postulate that continuous time as experienced can also be represented, with the same physical result, as a directional spatial sequence or frames of events.

We consider a new unit system using the transformation t = cB with c = speed of light,
where one spatial frame (size b) is related to one physical event B by

b (meter) = 1 (event) / B (events meter^-1)

The transformation t = cB implies the units t (sec) = c (met/sec) x B (sec^2 met^-1)

Then B events per meter = B sec^2 per meter,
and one physical event = one square second = sec^2.

From wave mechanics, we have the Schrödinger equation

dψ/dt = +/- 2πi/h x Eψ as a partial derivative

and the related approximation

ΔxΔk ≥ O(1).

This defines the uncertainty in measurements

Δx Δp ≥ h/2π.

Implying Δp = m Δx / Δt and using a transformation for Δt, then

Δp = m Δx / Δ(cB)

This leads to

m (Δx)^2 ≥ (h/2π J-s) (ΔcB) = (h/2π J) (cB) (ΔcB)

Per unit mass, then

(Δx)^2 ≥ (h/2π)(ΔcB)(cB) from transformation.

For a single B (events-meter^-1) the corresponding Δx = b meters and Δ(cB) = 1/(cB)

Then b ≥ (h-bar)^1/2.
Further defining b-minimum as the minimum Δx and using the positive root in this analysis, then

b(min) =1.027E-17 meters.

Subject to the further justification below, we assert:

E = F-sub-B x b

Where F-sub-B = F-sub-G = the gravitational force at the spatial location of event B.

And on the planet surface, F-sub-B = ma = m x 9.8 meters-sec^-2.

Then E / m = a x b = 9.8b meters / (cB)^2 or

E / m = 9.8b / (c/b)^2 and

E / m = 9.8 / 9 (10^-16) b^3 J-kg^-1,

Or we can write the expression:

E / m / b^3 = 1.089E-16 J kg^-1 or

E-sub-B / m = 680 eV / kg for one cubic spatial boundary.

Justification for Spatial Dimension b

Using uncertainty and similar to the derivation above, one estimation using neurological sensory communication as an upper bound on Δx = b (in one dimension) for spatial boundary (frame) size is suggested by:

(Spatial Frame Width)^2 ≤ (h – bar ) x (c) x (Time Required for Sensory Continuity)

Using orders of magnitude 10^-34 J-sec (and adjusting for units) from wave mechanics and estimating the time required for sensory communication in the range 10^-3 sec – 10^-6 sec from synapse switching (potential change) rate, we would then estimate the magnitude:

Δx = b ~ 10^-14 to 10^-16 meters (for example as an upper spatial bound) in order to perceive continuity from actual contiguity of frames.

The neurological bound approximates the largest frame or spatial size that could be perceived as the continuity of time and accommodates the calculated boundary dimension Δx = b ~ 10^-17 meters.

b(min) = 1.027E-17 meters was derived assuming t = cB so that c is assumed to be the maximum achievable velocity and as such defines a maximum sequential rate and a minimum allowable b.

Justification for Spatial Barrier Energy

Using a one dimensional example,

E = F x distance.

We are using the transformation t = cB where B = 1 / b and b has the spatial dimension of meters.

The energy associated with the distance b is a function of a force F acting upon a mass m at a particular set of spatial coordinates.

It follows, the innate force acting on the mass m in space is the gravitational force.

There are no external forces to be considered for the mass m for our purpose regarding the transformation associating time and space.

Verification of Calculations

E-sub-B is then a function of gravitational force.

Using the calculations above and for a single event B = 1,
we can also write, for the planet surface as an example:

E / m = a x b = b x 9.8 (c / b )^-2 = 9.8 / c^2 / b.

Then 1.089E-16 = 9.8 / c^2 / b.

And for the planet surface E-sub-B, we verify our unit of measure calculations:

b meters = (1 event / B events meter^-1) = 1.000 as a confirmation of the energy calculation 680 eV / kg.

Independently, we can re-calculate the value of b using F-sub-G on the planet surface:

b = E-sub-B / m x (a)^-1 = 1.089E-16 / 9.8 = 1.111E-17 meters.

This value is larger than the allowed minimum calculated b(min) = 1.027E-17 by the difference 8.4E-19 meters
and we find the calculated surface value to be approximately 8% larger than the minimum allowed value b(min) using the Earth gravitational acceleration a = g = 9.8 m-s^-2 and using no transformations in this calculation. We do not pursue further calculations in the present scope. (See Appendix A.)

Energy Change as a Function of F-sub-G = F-sub-B

Assuming mass m and boundary b are unchanged, then E-sub-B changes as a function of F-sub-G = F-sub-B the gravitational force at the location of physical event B.

This follows directly from

E-sub-B = F x b.

A smaller gravitational force leads to a smaller E-sub-B relative to the planet surface.

With different E-sub-B, clocks should appear to run at different rates in regions of higher or lower F-sub-G relative to the planet surface.

A fictitious force, like the Coriolis force or the weightlessness of orbit, should not affect the real force F-sub-G = F-sub-B.


Continuous time can be represented by a contiguous spatial sequence of frames, or boundaries Δx = b, while conforming to existing physics in the macroscopic sense and with our sensory perceptions.

The transformation t = cB leads to the spatial frame dimension b(min) = 1.027E-17 meters and corresponds to
3 x 10^8 physical events in one second of time t.

For this model,

The surface barrier energy E sub-B per unit mass = 680 eV / kg has been defined.

E-sub-B is suggested to be a function of gravitational force and so a function of spatial location.

Perceptions of Earth-time and clocks are expected to experience different rates in regions of lower or higher gravitational force relative to the planet surface.
