Lets see:
1. EU meets. Worthless, but politicians will try to say something to help markets believe the "Euro-Zone" has a value. It does not, but they will say it does. News sources, paid by bond holders for "ads" will try to convince everyone that the Euro-Zone is trustworthy.
2. It is possible that people believe everything on Friday and US Equities trend way up... ha ha. If so, be ready to short and take their money.
3. Especially if the market goes way up prior to the weekend, short. Or, buy put spreads as we have shown to limit risk, etc., but effectively short.
4. If the market goes down Friday, especially significantly, then do nothing because it will decline further soon.
5. Watch the price of GOLD carefully and determine for yourselves whether the WW Markets perceive the USD is strong or whether they perceive currencies are trash.
6. Look for opportunities on Friday in GOLD and EUR/USD = US Equity Indices.