The EUR/USD is already below the lower level. Next, it will be below the lowest possible level per Leonardo Fibonacci! Ick!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That single US morning we have warned about for the US banks? It's coming.
Check Out Our Website!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Just more physics for the record - should help PHARMA alot
The Natural Theory of Space Quantum 2011
Physical space is shown to be a contiguous growth. Wave mechanics and Newtonian (through Einstein) mechanics can be united in the absence of a time t.
Space is not the existing illusion of our senses; instead, space is quantized and defines itself physically per the (Fibonacci ) infinite sequence:
with seed values
The ratios converge:
Where the “golden ratio”
Fibonacci Space:
Adding to, subtracting from, retracing within, and all physics regarding space quanta are events within at least one quantum and changing only at quantum borders (boundaries) per the natural sequence.
For example, the “speed of light” c (Einstein ) is limited because the particle (photon) does not truly travel through (Newtonian ) time and continuous space.
In fact, the particle travels through contiguous space quanta, one by one.
In the Newtonian sense of velocity through continuous space, there should be no limit to velocity. In quantum space, the analogy to Newtonian velocity is the spatial travel across quantum boundaries. Each boundary crossing is the “same” event for light and its velocity is bounded by c in the “sense” of a time t.
There is no real time t; instead, the “particles” travel only in space from one quantum to an adjacent quantum.
As the “growth” sequence itself, successive quanta are different in “size” by the factor:
φ = 1.618
The illusion of Newtonian time should cause a quantifiable perception of the speed of light c relative to space quanta:
Accept: c is the perceived absolute electromagnetic velocity and measurement velocity as known today.
Assume: physical reality is a transition from one region to the next region in space.
Then: particles with subatomic sizes on the order of space quantum boundaries may not traverse the boundary in the same way our senses perceive the transition. This serves to gauge the boundaries between spatial regions.
And: very spatially large and/or “distant” entities may be misrepresented by our sensual (time) measurements by the factor 1.618 for each spatial boundary from our innate sense and our measurements.
And: we as humans experience only the sensual approximation of Newtonian and Euclidean continuity.
Physical relevance is solely the traverse across spatial quantum boundaries.
A two dimensional visualization of quantum spatial boundaries is suggested by the Fibonacci spiral .
A Five Dimensional View of the Spiral:
Physically, we cannot achieve 2 from 0 and 1. We can only achieve 1 from 0 and 1. Following, we can achieve 2 from the adjacency of 1 and 1. And so on.
Since we live in three dimensions, we can easily see the two dimensional intersection within the Euclidean spiral, i.e. the linearity of the spiral intersects with a maximum of three adjacent two dimensional regions.
Space itself, as we know it, is three dimensional. If we lived in five dimensions, we could easily see the three dimensional intersection of a two-dimensional “spiral” with “five” regions of three dimensional space per the natural sequence.
We do not live in five dimensions; instead, we live in three.
The natural sequence begins with the seed values 0 and 1. Perhaps we could visualize 3 from 5 and 5 from 8. But we cannot visualize 3 from 4 or 8 from 9. Physical relevance is solely the traverse across adjacent natural boundaries.
Wave Mechanics:
Wave mechanic princples (Schrodinger ) show:
and so the approximation
ΔxΔk ≥ O(1).
One result (ramification) is a temporally related uncertainty in measurements.
Wave mechanics mathematically defines observations (perceptions) differing from Newtonian continuity; however, wave mechanics is a physical discipline that utilizes the concept of time t,
e.g. Δk depends on a perceived time t (and mass m)
The mathematical (Fourier ) representations (transformations) are not physically real in the sense of a time t.
Boundary Size:
One possible (sensual) estimation in one dimension of spatial boundary size (between adjacent quantum) could be suggested by:
(Width of boundary)2 = Constant x (Time required sensually for continuity)
(In similar mathematical form to E=mc2.)
Using orders of magnitude 10-27 “sec-cm” suggested by wave mechanics and estimating the “speed” of sensory communication in the range 10-3 sec – 10-6 sec, we would then estimate the magnitude:
b ~ 10-16 to 10-18 meters (for example)
Contiguity of space quantum should be mathematically defined beginning with the natural sequence. That is beyond the scope of this letter.
Intermediate Review:
While we can mathematically achieve 2 from 0 and 1, we cannot physically achieve two from nothing and something.
Each space quantum “experiences” only each of its boundaries.
The juxtaposition of space is physical reality. The sense of time serves to approximate
physical laws and works well within the bounds of our senses.
What we call entropy is in fact a “direction” through Fibonacci space that incorporates an increase in “size” throughout the sequence per the “golden” or “natural” ratio φ.
We cannot propel ourselves 10 meters across the Planet Earth’s surface without an “energy” (the units of which are not a real function of “time”) and similarly a subatomic “particle” cannot propel itself across a spatial quantum boundary without energy.
This serves to increase the “energy” in the following quantum by the factor φ and gives rise to the concept of entropy.
Small Particles:
Spatially (relatively) small particles (entities) with enough energy should have no problem traversing the boundary from one quantum to the next as directed by the entropy of space.
Spatially and massively (energetically) small particles may not be able to traverse the boundaries at all.
In that case, such “particles” could be left behind in space and would not entropically move forward. It seems possible such particles could in fact remain “backward” in the entropical sense.
Massive Energy:
For example, a “large energy between” two relatively small “particles” should easily provide a contiguous directional result through the entropic spatial sequence.
Per the natural sequence of space, mass does not bend (warp) space; instead, space is physically real and unalterable directly by mass (matter) and is independent of the sense of time.
Matter is defined by mass and “consumes” and exists in real space, e.g. our sun has a relatively large mass and “uses” a large amount of space as we know it.
The sun follows across all quantum boundaries along with us.
Space Warp:
The bending of space around mass is not physically real in three dimensions; instead, it is a sensation (illusion) from our innate continuous imagination of spatial contiguity.
The alteration (warping) of three dimensional space can take place through (within) five dimensions per the natural sequence, but cannot take place within three or “four” dimensions. The natural sequence is physical, not arithmetical, and five follows directly from three.
Negative entropy:
Negative entropy can only be achieved through five (maybe three) dimensions. Nothing can be achieved through four dimensions.
Intermediate Summary:
Time is not physically real. It is a neurological simulation of continuity from a real spatially contiguous universe.
There is energy and space. There is no time t.
The idea of a physical time t would mean that “time is continuous, directional, has no real dimension except as previously indicated by a clock, was created somehow unknown to anyone, but still has a real physical significance.” This writing holds that view to be unreconcilable.
An Eight Dimensional View:
In Fibonacci space, our 3-dimensional experience intersects with eight separate five dimensional regions at each boundary.
The boundaries are supposed to be relatively small in a spatial (and energetical) sense.
In the entropical sense, an energy compatible with a boundary region could exist “within” a boundary neither moving forward or backward.
In that case, it seems the specific energy may experience one, several, or all of the intersections.
At such an event, the energy (particle) could traverse among three-dimensional regions of our (experiential) Fibonacci space.
Least Energetic Level:
In our experience, everything “falls” to the lowest energy state.
An example would be water flowing through a drain from a sink into a pipe through another pipe and into an urban main drain system leading into a waste water retreatment plant.
The water obeys our perceived law of gravity and falls through pipes “heading” and “directionalized” toward the center of the Earth where the water would experience no other energy realtively speaking. If the water could in fact reach Earth’s center of gravity, it would have fallen into a weightless environment as if the water were in orbit and falling “off” the edge of the Earth.
Similarly, chemical states react into the lowest binding energy form until some larger applied energy can change the state.
Lowest Entropic Level:
The lowest entropical level should be “backward” along the path to higher entropy, i.e. a change of direction toward lower entropy.
In the absence of forward entropical (motion) direction, it seems a particle (entity, maybe having a mass) may seek a lower (backward) entropical state, e.g. a particle within a spatial boundary may be able to traverse various boundaries and may “gravitate” downward in the energetical sense in a similar way to the experience in our three dimensional world.
The Square Law Relationship:
The Einstein2 square law relationship E=mc2 is also dealt with in the Schrodinger6 equation and also in many perceived natural forces like sound and gravity.
The Schrodinger equation needs to include “i”, i.e. the square root of negative one.
Similarly, the natural sequence could proceed in a “negative” direction with the seed values 0 and -1 with physical reality being a “square” and with all ratios matching the positive sequence.
But mathematics is a measurement result of physics, not the other way around.
Negative Entropy:
Negative entropy could be mathematically resolved by an “inverse or reverse” sequence, but physically real negative entropy should only be three-dimensionally achieved through the spatial via-ways resulting from intersecting spatial and energetical boundaries.
Space is not subject to our views of arithmetic; instead, space is defined by the natural sequence. Contrary to our sensations, time is not physically real. Time is a good measurement approximation in our macroscopic physical world and “historically” is built into all units of energy, measures, and our perceptions.
Space and energy directionally build the concept of entropy.
The dimensionality following from Fibonacci space also implies boundaries. The boundary dimensions are suggested by quantum (wave) mechanics.
Negative entropy should be achieved by exacting the correct energy. Not the most or least energy; instead, the correct energy corresponding to the spatial boundary.
Physical space is shown to be a contiguous growth. Wave mechanics and Newtonian (through Einstein) mechanics can be united in the absence of a time t.
Space is not the existing illusion of our senses; instead, space is quantized and defines itself physically per the (Fibonacci ) infinite sequence:
with seed values
The ratios converge:
Where the “golden ratio”
Fibonacci Space:
Adding to, subtracting from, retracing within, and all physics regarding space quanta are events within at least one quantum and changing only at quantum borders (boundaries) per the natural sequence.
For example, the “speed of light” c (Einstein ) is limited because the particle (photon) does not truly travel through (Newtonian ) time and continuous space.
In fact, the particle travels through contiguous space quanta, one by one.
In the Newtonian sense of velocity through continuous space, there should be no limit to velocity. In quantum space, the analogy to Newtonian velocity is the spatial travel across quantum boundaries. Each boundary crossing is the “same” event for light and its velocity is bounded by c in the “sense” of a time t.
There is no real time t; instead, the “particles” travel only in space from one quantum to an adjacent quantum.
As the “growth” sequence itself, successive quanta are different in “size” by the factor:
φ = 1.618
The illusion of Newtonian time should cause a quantifiable perception of the speed of light c relative to space quanta:
Accept: c is the perceived absolute electromagnetic velocity and measurement velocity as known today.
Assume: physical reality is a transition from one region to the next region in space.
Then: particles with subatomic sizes on the order of space quantum boundaries may not traverse the boundary in the same way our senses perceive the transition. This serves to gauge the boundaries between spatial regions.
And: very spatially large and/or “distant” entities may be misrepresented by our sensual (time) measurements by the factor 1.618 for each spatial boundary from our innate sense and our measurements.
And: we as humans experience only the sensual approximation of Newtonian and Euclidean continuity.
Physical relevance is solely the traverse across spatial quantum boundaries.
A two dimensional visualization of quantum spatial boundaries is suggested by the Fibonacci spiral .
A Five Dimensional View of the Spiral:
Physically, we cannot achieve 2 from 0 and 1. We can only achieve 1 from 0 and 1. Following, we can achieve 2 from the adjacency of 1 and 1. And so on.
Since we live in three dimensions, we can easily see the two dimensional intersection within the Euclidean spiral, i.e. the linearity of the spiral intersects with a maximum of three adjacent two dimensional regions.
Space itself, as we know it, is three dimensional. If we lived in five dimensions, we could easily see the three dimensional intersection of a two-dimensional “spiral” with “five” regions of three dimensional space per the natural sequence.
We do not live in five dimensions; instead, we live in three.
The natural sequence begins with the seed values 0 and 1. Perhaps we could visualize 3 from 5 and 5 from 8. But we cannot visualize 3 from 4 or 8 from 9. Physical relevance is solely the traverse across adjacent natural boundaries.
Wave Mechanics:
Wave mechanic princples (Schrodinger ) show:
and so the approximation
ΔxΔk ≥ O(1).
One result (ramification) is a temporally related uncertainty in measurements.
Wave mechanics mathematically defines observations (perceptions) differing from Newtonian continuity; however, wave mechanics is a physical discipline that utilizes the concept of time t,
e.g. Δk depends on a perceived time t (and mass m)
The mathematical (Fourier ) representations (transformations) are not physically real in the sense of a time t.
Boundary Size:
One possible (sensual) estimation in one dimension of spatial boundary size (between adjacent quantum) could be suggested by:
(Width of boundary)2 = Constant x (Time required sensually for continuity)
(In similar mathematical form to E=mc2.)
Using orders of magnitude 10-27 “sec-cm” suggested by wave mechanics and estimating the “speed” of sensory communication in the range 10-3 sec – 10-6 sec, we would then estimate the magnitude:
b ~ 10-16 to 10-18 meters (for example)
Contiguity of space quantum should be mathematically defined beginning with the natural sequence. That is beyond the scope of this letter.
Intermediate Review:
While we can mathematically achieve 2 from 0 and 1, we cannot physically achieve two from nothing and something.
Each space quantum “experiences” only each of its boundaries.
The juxtaposition of space is physical reality. The sense of time serves to approximate
physical laws and works well within the bounds of our senses.
What we call entropy is in fact a “direction” through Fibonacci space that incorporates an increase in “size” throughout the sequence per the “golden” or “natural” ratio φ.
We cannot propel ourselves 10 meters across the Planet Earth’s surface without an “energy” (the units of which are not a real function of “time”) and similarly a subatomic “particle” cannot propel itself across a spatial quantum boundary without energy.
This serves to increase the “energy” in the following quantum by the factor φ and gives rise to the concept of entropy.
Small Particles:
Spatially (relatively) small particles (entities) with enough energy should have no problem traversing the boundary from one quantum to the next as directed by the entropy of space.
Spatially and massively (energetically) small particles may not be able to traverse the boundaries at all.
In that case, such “particles” could be left behind in space and would not entropically move forward. It seems possible such particles could in fact remain “backward” in the entropical sense.
Massive Energy:
For example, a “large energy between” two relatively small “particles” should easily provide a contiguous directional result through the entropic spatial sequence.
Per the natural sequence of space, mass does not bend (warp) space; instead, space is physically real and unalterable directly by mass (matter) and is independent of the sense of time.
Matter is defined by mass and “consumes” and exists in real space, e.g. our sun has a relatively large mass and “uses” a large amount of space as we know it.
The sun follows across all quantum boundaries along with us.
Space Warp:
The bending of space around mass is not physically real in three dimensions; instead, it is a sensation (illusion) from our innate continuous imagination of spatial contiguity.
The alteration (warping) of three dimensional space can take place through (within) five dimensions per the natural sequence, but cannot take place within three or “four” dimensions. The natural sequence is physical, not arithmetical, and five follows directly from three.
Negative entropy:
Negative entropy can only be achieved through five (maybe three) dimensions. Nothing can be achieved through four dimensions.
Intermediate Summary:
Time is not physically real. It is a neurological simulation of continuity from a real spatially contiguous universe.
There is energy and space. There is no time t.
The idea of a physical time t would mean that “time is continuous, directional, has no real dimension except as previously indicated by a clock, was created somehow unknown to anyone, but still has a real physical significance.” This writing holds that view to be unreconcilable.
An Eight Dimensional View:
In Fibonacci space, our 3-dimensional experience intersects with eight separate five dimensional regions at each boundary.
The boundaries are supposed to be relatively small in a spatial (and energetical) sense.
In the entropical sense, an energy compatible with a boundary region could exist “within” a boundary neither moving forward or backward.
In that case, it seems the specific energy may experience one, several, or all of the intersections.
At such an event, the energy (particle) could traverse among three-dimensional regions of our (experiential) Fibonacci space.
Least Energetic Level:
In our experience, everything “falls” to the lowest energy state.
An example would be water flowing through a drain from a sink into a pipe through another pipe and into an urban main drain system leading into a waste water retreatment plant.
The water obeys our perceived law of gravity and falls through pipes “heading” and “directionalized” toward the center of the Earth where the water would experience no other energy realtively speaking. If the water could in fact reach Earth’s center of gravity, it would have fallen into a weightless environment as if the water were in orbit and falling “off” the edge of the Earth.
Similarly, chemical states react into the lowest binding energy form until some larger applied energy can change the state.
Lowest Entropic Level:
The lowest entropical level should be “backward” along the path to higher entropy, i.e. a change of direction toward lower entropy.
In the absence of forward entropical (motion) direction, it seems a particle (entity, maybe having a mass) may seek a lower (backward) entropical state, e.g. a particle within a spatial boundary may be able to traverse various boundaries and may “gravitate” downward in the energetical sense in a similar way to the experience in our three dimensional world.
The Square Law Relationship:
The Einstein2 square law relationship E=mc2 is also dealt with in the Schrodinger6 equation and also in many perceived natural forces like sound and gravity.
The Schrodinger equation needs to include “i”, i.e. the square root of negative one.
Similarly, the natural sequence could proceed in a “negative” direction with the seed values 0 and -1 with physical reality being a “square” and with all ratios matching the positive sequence.
But mathematics is a measurement result of physics, not the other way around.
Negative Entropy:
Negative entropy could be mathematically resolved by an “inverse or reverse” sequence, but physically real negative entropy should only be three-dimensionally achieved through the spatial via-ways resulting from intersecting spatial and energetical boundaries.
Space is not subject to our views of arithmetic; instead, space is defined by the natural sequence. Contrary to our sensations, time is not physically real. Time is a good measurement approximation in our macroscopic physical world and “historically” is built into all units of energy, measures, and our perceptions.
Space and energy directionally build the concept of entropy.
The dimensionality following from Fibonacci space also implies boundaries. The boundary dimensions are suggested by quantum (wave) mechanics.
Negative entropy should be achieved by exacting the correct energy. Not the most or least energy; instead, the correct energy corresponding to the spatial boundary.
ECB Decision - 2011
We conducted a short experiment in a local establishment in the holiday spirits.
We put money under a shell at the bar. Then we put 4 additional "empty" shells in the same proximity and mixed them all around.
Then we asked people to find the money. If they found it, they could keep it.
Guess what happened?!
Exactly 80% of folks didn't get the money and exactly 20% did!!!
We are going to do the math on this and report back to the ECB.
We put money under a shell at the bar. Then we put 4 additional "empty" shells in the same proximity and mixed them all around.
Then we asked people to find the money. If they found it, they could keep it.
Guess what happened?!
Exactly 80% of folks didn't get the money and exactly 20% did!!!
We are going to do the math on this and report back to the ECB.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
ECB 1% Loans from German Tax Payers
Germany is poised to take a huge bite out of the proverbial xxxx sandwitch... ick.
Free loans backed by taxpayers for the lazy folks in the South. (And it won't even work.)
That is a magnanimous and supreme philanthropic effort.
The world admires you and thanks you.
Free loans backed by taxpayers for the lazy folks in the South. (And it won't even work.)
That is a magnanimous and supreme philanthropic effort.
The world admires you and thanks you.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Hong Kong (EUR?) Banks
Oh ya... ya.. here they come... oh ya... do... do... ya... try... keep trying... get the ratio up there... more... keep doing... do not let us all down now...!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
keep trying!!
keep trying!!
Monday Morning in Europe
No one knows. Our guess?
The powers that be (ick) try to raise the EUR/USD but fail; instead, possibly there is collateral damage from the EUR fallout after "expiration day!"
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
The powers that be (ick) try to raise the EUR/USD but fail; instead, possibly there is collateral damage from the EUR fallout after "expiration day!"
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
New Physics - Should Help Pharma
The Natural Theory of Space Quantum December 2011
Space is not the existing illusion of our senses; instead, space is quantized and defines itself physically per the (Fibonacci ) infinite sequence:
with seed values
The ratios converge:
Where the “golden ratio”
Adding to, subtracting from, retracing within, and all physics regarding space quanta are events within at least one quantum and changing only at quantum borders (boundaries) per the natural sequence.
For example, the “speed of light” c (Einstein ) is limited because the particle (photon) does not truly travel through (Newtonian ) time and continuous space.
In fact, the particle travels through contiguous space quanta, one by one.
In the Newtonian sense of velocity through continuous space, there should be no limit to velocity. In quantum space, the analogy to Newtonian velocity is the spatial travel across quantum boundaries. Each boundary crossing is the “same” event for light and its velocity is bounded by c in the “sense” of a time t.
There is no real time t; instead, the “particles” travel only in space from one quantum to an adjacent quantum.
As the “growth” sequence itself, successive quanta are different in “size” by the factor:
φ = 1.618
The illusion of Newtonian time should cause a quantifiable perception of the speed of light c relative to space quanta:
Accept: c is the perceived absolute electromagnetic velocity and measurement velocity as known today.
Assume: physical reality is a transition from one region to the next region in space.
Then: particles with subatomic sizes on the order of space quantum boundaries may not traverse the boundary in the same way our senses perceive the transition. This serves to gauge the boundaries between spatial regions.
And: very spatially large and/or “distant” entities may be misrepresented by our sensual (time) measurements by the factor 1.618 for each spatial boundary from our innate sense and our measurements.
And: we as humans experience only the sensual approximation of Newtonian and Euclidean continuity.
Physical relevance is solely the traverse across spatial quantum boundaries.
A two dimensional visualization of quantum spatial boundaries is suggested by the Fibonacci spiral .
A Five Dimensional View of the Spiral:
Physically, we cannot achieve 2 from 0 and 1. We can only achieve 1 from 0 and 1. Following, we can achieve 2 from the adjacency of 1 and 1. And so on.
Since we live in three dimensions, we can easily see the two dimensional intersection within the Euclidean spiral, i.e. the linearity of the spiral intersects with a maximum of three adjacent two dimensional regions.
Space itself, as we know it, is three dimensional. If we lived in five dimensions, we could easily see the three dimensional intersection of a two-dimensional “spiral” with “five” regions of three dimensional space per the natural sequence.
We do not live in five dimensions; instead, we live in three.
The natural sequence begins with the seed values 0 and 1. Perhaps we could visualize 3 from 5 and 5 from 8. But we cannot visualize 3 from 4 or 8 from 9. Physical relevance is solely the traverse across adjacent natural boundaries.
Wave Mechanics:
Wave mechanic princples (Schrodinger ) show:
and so the approximation
ΔxΔk ≥ O(1).
One result (ramification) is a temporally related uncertainty in measurements.
Wave mechanics mathematically defines observations (perceptions) differing from Newtonian continuity; however, wave mechanics is a physical discipline that utilizes the concept of time t,
e.g. Δk depends on a perceived time t (and mass m)
The mathematical (Fourier ) representations (transformations) are not physically real in the sense of a time t.
One possible (sensual) estimation in one dimension of spatial boundary size (between adjacent quantum) could be suggested by:
(Width of boundary)2 = Constant x (Time required sensually for continuity)
(In similar mathematical form to E=mc2.)
Using orders of magnitude 10-27 “sec-cm” suggested by wave mechanics and estimating the “speed” of sensory communication in the range 10-3 sec – 10-6 sec, we would then estimate the magnitude:
b ~ 10-16 to 10-18 meters (for example)
Contiguity of space quantum should be mathematically defined beginning with the natural sequence. That is beyond the scope of this letter.
As an Intermediate Summary:
While we can mathematically achieve 2 from 0 and 1, we cannot physically achieve two from nothing and something.
Each space quantum “experiences” only each of its boundaries.
The juxtaposition of space is physical reality. The sense of time serves to approximate
physical laws and works well within the bounds of our senses.
What we call entropy is in fact a “direction” through Fibonacci space that incorporates an increase in “size” throughout the sequence per the “golden” or “natural” ratio φ.
We cannot propel ourselves 10 meters across the Planet Earth’s surface without an “energy” (the units of which are not a real function of “time”) and similarly a subatomic “particle” cannot propel itself across a spatial quantum boundary without energy.
This serves to increase the “energy” in the following quantum by the factor φ and gives rise to the concept of entropy.
Small Particles:
Spatially (relatively) small particles (entities) with enough energy should have no problem traversing the boundary from one quantum to the next as directed by the entropy of space.
Spatially and massively (energetically) small particles may not be able to traverse the boundaries at all.
In that case, such “particles” could be left behind in space and would not entropically move forward. It seems possible such particles could in fact remain “backward” in the entropical sense.
Massive Energy:
For example, a “large energy between” two relatively small “particles” should easily provide a contiguous directional result through the entropic spatial sequence.
Per the natural sequence of space, mass does not bend (warp) space; instead, space is physically real and unalterable directly by mass (matter) and is independent of the sense of time.
Matter is defined by mass and “consumes” and exists in real space, e.g. our sun has a relatively large mass and “uses” a large amount of space as we know it.
The sun follows across all quantum boundaries along with us.
Space Warp:
The bending of space around mass is not physically real in three dimensions; instead, it is a sensation (illusion) from our innate continuous imagination of spatial contiguity.
The alteration (warping) of three dimensional space can take place through (within) five dimensions per the natural sequence, but cannot take place within three or “four” dimensions. The natural sequence is physical, not arithmetical, and five follows directly from three.
Negative entropy:
Negative entropy can only be achieved through five (maybe three) dimensions. Nothing can be achieved through four dimensions.
Space is not the existing illusion of our senses; instead, space is quantized and defines itself physically per the (Fibonacci ) infinite sequence:
with seed values
The ratios converge:
Where the “golden ratio”
Adding to, subtracting from, retracing within, and all physics regarding space quanta are events within at least one quantum and changing only at quantum borders (boundaries) per the natural sequence.
For example, the “speed of light” c (Einstein ) is limited because the particle (photon) does not truly travel through (Newtonian ) time and continuous space.
In fact, the particle travels through contiguous space quanta, one by one.
In the Newtonian sense of velocity through continuous space, there should be no limit to velocity. In quantum space, the analogy to Newtonian velocity is the spatial travel across quantum boundaries. Each boundary crossing is the “same” event for light and its velocity is bounded by c in the “sense” of a time t.
There is no real time t; instead, the “particles” travel only in space from one quantum to an adjacent quantum.
As the “growth” sequence itself, successive quanta are different in “size” by the factor:
φ = 1.618
The illusion of Newtonian time should cause a quantifiable perception of the speed of light c relative to space quanta:
Accept: c is the perceived absolute electromagnetic velocity and measurement velocity as known today.
Assume: physical reality is a transition from one region to the next region in space.
Then: particles with subatomic sizes on the order of space quantum boundaries may not traverse the boundary in the same way our senses perceive the transition. This serves to gauge the boundaries between spatial regions.
And: very spatially large and/or “distant” entities may be misrepresented by our sensual (time) measurements by the factor 1.618 for each spatial boundary from our innate sense and our measurements.
And: we as humans experience only the sensual approximation of Newtonian and Euclidean continuity.
Physical relevance is solely the traverse across spatial quantum boundaries.
A two dimensional visualization of quantum spatial boundaries is suggested by the Fibonacci spiral .
A Five Dimensional View of the Spiral:
Physically, we cannot achieve 2 from 0 and 1. We can only achieve 1 from 0 and 1. Following, we can achieve 2 from the adjacency of 1 and 1. And so on.
Since we live in three dimensions, we can easily see the two dimensional intersection within the Euclidean spiral, i.e. the linearity of the spiral intersects with a maximum of three adjacent two dimensional regions.
Space itself, as we know it, is three dimensional. If we lived in five dimensions, we could easily see the three dimensional intersection of a two-dimensional “spiral” with “five” regions of three dimensional space per the natural sequence.
We do not live in five dimensions; instead, we live in three.
The natural sequence begins with the seed values 0 and 1. Perhaps we could visualize 3 from 5 and 5 from 8. But we cannot visualize 3 from 4 or 8 from 9. Physical relevance is solely the traverse across adjacent natural boundaries.
Wave Mechanics:
Wave mechanic princples (Schrodinger ) show:
and so the approximation
ΔxΔk ≥ O(1).
One result (ramification) is a temporally related uncertainty in measurements.
Wave mechanics mathematically defines observations (perceptions) differing from Newtonian continuity; however, wave mechanics is a physical discipline that utilizes the concept of time t,
e.g. Δk depends on a perceived time t (and mass m)
The mathematical (Fourier ) representations (transformations) are not physically real in the sense of a time t.
One possible (sensual) estimation in one dimension of spatial boundary size (between adjacent quantum) could be suggested by:
(Width of boundary)2 = Constant x (Time required sensually for continuity)
(In similar mathematical form to E=mc2.)
Using orders of magnitude 10-27 “sec-cm” suggested by wave mechanics and estimating the “speed” of sensory communication in the range 10-3 sec – 10-6 sec, we would then estimate the magnitude:
b ~ 10-16 to 10-18 meters (for example)
Contiguity of space quantum should be mathematically defined beginning with the natural sequence. That is beyond the scope of this letter.
As an Intermediate Summary:
While we can mathematically achieve 2 from 0 and 1, we cannot physically achieve two from nothing and something.
Each space quantum “experiences” only each of its boundaries.
The juxtaposition of space is physical reality. The sense of time serves to approximate
physical laws and works well within the bounds of our senses.
What we call entropy is in fact a “direction” through Fibonacci space that incorporates an increase in “size” throughout the sequence per the “golden” or “natural” ratio φ.
We cannot propel ourselves 10 meters across the Planet Earth’s surface without an “energy” (the units of which are not a real function of “time”) and similarly a subatomic “particle” cannot propel itself across a spatial quantum boundary without energy.
This serves to increase the “energy” in the following quantum by the factor φ and gives rise to the concept of entropy.
Small Particles:
Spatially (relatively) small particles (entities) with enough energy should have no problem traversing the boundary from one quantum to the next as directed by the entropy of space.
Spatially and massively (energetically) small particles may not be able to traverse the boundaries at all.
In that case, such “particles” could be left behind in space and would not entropically move forward. It seems possible such particles could in fact remain “backward” in the entropical sense.
Massive Energy:
For example, a “large energy between” two relatively small “particles” should easily provide a contiguous directional result through the entropic spatial sequence.
Per the natural sequence of space, mass does not bend (warp) space; instead, space is physically real and unalterable directly by mass (matter) and is independent of the sense of time.
Matter is defined by mass and “consumes” and exists in real space, e.g. our sun has a relatively large mass and “uses” a large amount of space as we know it.
The sun follows across all quantum boundaries along with us.
Space Warp:
The bending of space around mass is not physically real in three dimensions; instead, it is a sensation (illusion) from our innate continuous imagination of spatial contiguity.
The alteration (warping) of three dimensional space can take place through (within) five dimensions per the natural sequence, but cannot take place within three or “four” dimensions. The natural sequence is physical, not arithmetical, and five follows directly from three.
Negative entropy:
Negative entropy can only be achieved through five (maybe three) dimensions. Nothing can be achieved through four dimensions.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
EUR/USD Trade - Lack of USD Printing Perceived
Of course, the current outlook for USD PRINTING is slight following no news of anticipated printing from the FOMC minutes and still with only one sole disrespected fellow advocating turning on the printing presses.
BUT that could easily change by January.
The hope and dreams of the insti's now is that they can stay in business until... well... until Jan2011. Probably not though.
BUT that could easily change by January.
The hope and dreams of the insti's now is that they can stay in business until... well... until Jan2011. Probably not though.
Huge EUR/USD Decline
Yes, there have been three days of equity selling to go along with the EUR/USD collapse, but there has not been as much equity selling as we would expect.
In that case:
1. Expect more US equity selling.
2. Realize that if the EUR/USD goes way down and equities only go somewhat down, then the difference is taken up by the purchase-of-puts. That puchase forces the ratio down and can bypass (temporarily) the forced selling of equities.
3. The volume today moved from US equities to Forex. This is weird and keep watching!
4. There are plenty of ways to grow massive wealth through insti mistakes.
In that case:
1. Expect more US equity selling.
2. Realize that if the EUR/USD goes way down and equities only go somewhat down, then the difference is taken up by the purchase-of-puts. That puchase forces the ratio down and can bypass (temporarily) the forced selling of equities.
3. The volume today moved from US equities to Forex. This is weird and keep watching!
4. There are plenty of ways to grow massive wealth through insti mistakes.
TV Advertising to SELL GOLD
The C.N.B.C. ran a long expensive ad today for selling gold.
Except for that, we would recommended to hold for now.
We want to buy on dips.
Someone(s) paid lots of $$ to try to get you to sell gold, i.e. that someone(s) want to BUY.
Be careful with this new confirmation.
The ad is probably somewhat successful so let that take effect.
Then, as we said, buy on dips!
Take confirmations as clear as this one when they come(!)
Except for that, we would recommended to hold for now.
We want to buy on dips.
Someone(s) paid lots of $$ to try to get you to sell gold, i.e. that someone(s) want to BUY.
Be careful with this new confirmation.
The ad is probably somewhat successful so let that take effect.
Then, as we said, buy on dips!
Take confirmations as clear as this one when they come(!)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
1.242 EUR/USD
1.242 "Street" may be the important level to watch now.
No big deal, the 1.242 ratio would simply get the planet back to the start of the Ben Bernanke "printing press monopoly" syndrome.
Of course, all the banks will be worthless by then because they took on way-too-much additional risk with your "real" money (currency).
Oh well, economics is economics. Sometimes the stupid are as the stupid do.
No big deal, the 1.242 ratio would simply get the planet back to the start of the Ben Bernanke "printing press monopoly" syndrome.
Of course, all the banks will be worthless by then because they took on way-too-much additional risk with your "real" money (currency).
Oh well, economics is economics. Sometimes the stupid are as the stupid do.
MF Global $1.2B "Gone"
The C.N.B.C. says no big deal. Gone is gone.
But that's kind of like saying the planet just lost 200T KWH of energy from the Hoover "dam" and it is simply GONE, i.e. it didn't go anywhere.
Ah... well... ah... probably someone simply , made it kind of... well... ah... kind of... a ... HARDER TO FIND!
Crooks are crooks. Do not "forget" the crooks as the Consortium communicates. When is fraud "fraud" and when is it legal?
But that's kind of like saying the planet just lost 200T KWH of energy from the Hoover "dam" and it is simply GONE, i.e. it didn't go anywhere.
Ah... well... ah... probably someone simply , made it kind of... well... ah... kind of... a ... HARDER TO FIND!
Crooks are crooks. Do not "forget" the crooks as the Consortium communicates. When is fraud "fraud" and when is it legal?
Shorting Instructions for US Equities
1. Short immediately.
2. Do this intelligently with low risk per our derivative rules.
3. Allow yourselves enough time, e.g. Jan12 expiration or later.
4. WATCH the EUR/USD overnight, the insti's will try their best to raise the ratio.
5. If the ratio continues lower, the banks will be forced to sell everything but the proverbial kitchen sink.
2. Do this intelligently with low risk per our derivative rules.
3. Allow yourselves enough time, e.g. Jan12 expiration or later.
4. WATCH the EUR/USD overnight, the insti's will try their best to raise the ratio.
5. If the ratio continues lower, the banks will be forced to sell everything but the proverbial kitchen sink.
Consortium Currency News (C.N.B.C.) - Occupy Wall Street
Here is the direct and official communication from "Wall Street" -
1. This quarter (fiscal Q) will be the BEST RISING quarter in the history of the planet Earth.
2. Nobody cares about the EUR/USD collapse. In fact, NO ONE was anticipating PRINTING PRESS CRIMES regarding the US Dollar from the FOMC Minutes today. The "info" was "incorrect" and crimes were NOT committed - ooops.
3. The banks are all fine. They will prosper in January(!!)
Buy gold on the dips. Sell equities before you become just another victim.
1. This quarter (fiscal Q) will be the BEST RISING quarter in the history of the planet Earth.
2. Nobody cares about the EUR/USD collapse. In fact, NO ONE was anticipating PRINTING PRESS CRIMES regarding the US Dollar from the FOMC Minutes today. The "info" was "incorrect" and crimes were NOT committed - ooops.
3. The banks are all fine. They will prosper in January(!!)
Buy gold on the dips. Sell equities before you become just another victim.
Worldwide Financial Collapse
Per our 11/26 post, Wed. morning could be that single US morning that reminds us of 2008 in the fourth Q.
The EUR/USD has fallen so far and so sharply at the "disappointment" about the US not participating in FUNDING the worldwide currency collapse for now that lots of things could happen, e.g. US banks being forced to commit crimes -or- instead to sell everything they own at a loss and to then default on YOU(!) Uggg
Well, the institutions put themselves and your money in that predicament, not YOU! Best wishes!!
If not Wed. let's hope it's not simply Thur. instead.
The EUR/USD has fallen so far and so sharply at the "disappointment" about the US not participating in FUNDING the worldwide currency collapse for now that lots of things could happen, e.g. US banks being forced to commit crimes -or- instead to sell everything they own at a loss and to then default on YOU(!) Uggg
Well, the institutions put themselves and your money in that predicament, not YOU! Best wishes!!
If not Wed. let's hope it's not simply Thur. instead.
Monday, December 12, 2011
EUR/USD - Bank and Institutional Collapse
On 11/21 we defined 1.312 Street.
The ratio is nearly there. Per 11/21, the next stop is a bad one.
SERIOUSLY if the ratio drops below 1.312 the banks have only three choices:
1. Bankruptcy (with YOUR money, not theirs)
2. Falsifications leading to possible PRISON time -or-
3. Super money printing by Benny B.
OR...??? Of course, the insti's could in fact simply 'leverage' YOUR money even MORE and play the game of "double-or-nothing"... Of course, it would be YOUR nothing.
Be careful!
The ratio is nearly there. Per 11/21, the next stop is a bad one.
SERIOUSLY if the ratio drops below 1.312 the banks have only three choices:
1. Bankruptcy (with YOUR money, not theirs)
2. Falsifications leading to possible PRISON time -or-
3. Super money printing by Benny B.
OR...??? Of course, the insti's could in fact simply 'leverage' YOUR money even MORE and play the game of "double-or-nothing"... Of course, it would be YOUR nothing.
Be careful!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
How to Trade for US-Friday
Lets see:
1. EU meets. Worthless, but politicians will try to say something to help markets believe the "Euro-Zone" has a value. It does not, but they will say it does. News sources, paid by bond holders for "ads" will try to convince everyone that the Euro-Zone is trustworthy.
2. It is possible that people believe everything on Friday and US Equities trend way up... ha ha. If so, be ready to short and take their money.
3. Especially if the market goes way up prior to the weekend, short. Or, buy put spreads as we have shown to limit risk, etc., but effectively short.
4. If the market goes down Friday, especially significantly, then do nothing because it will decline further soon.
5. Watch the price of GOLD carefully and determine for yourselves whether the WW Markets perceive the USD is strong or whether they perceive currencies are trash.
6. Look for opportunities on Friday in GOLD and EUR/USD = US Equity Indices.
1. EU meets. Worthless, but politicians will try to say something to help markets believe the "Euro-Zone" has a value. It does not, but they will say it does. News sources, paid by bond holders for "ads" will try to convince everyone that the Euro-Zone is trustworthy.
2. It is possible that people believe everything on Friday and US Equities trend way up... ha ha. If so, be ready to short and take their money.
3. Especially if the market goes way up prior to the weekend, short. Or, buy put spreads as we have shown to limit risk, etc., but effectively short.
4. If the market goes down Friday, especially significantly, then do nothing because it will decline further soon.
5. Watch the price of GOLD carefully and determine for yourselves whether the WW Markets perceive the USD is strong or whether they perceive currencies are trash.
6. Look for opportunities on Friday in GOLD and EUR/USD = US Equity Indices.
The EUR/USD controls everything because the US institutions have invested all of your money greedily in the Euro-Twilight-Zone. We hope everything works out... but probably it won't work out very well for you.
In the present, as the EUR/USD has decreased, GOLD has decreased as well. What does that mean?
It means that GOLD is trading as a "commodity" that will decrease in relative value as the USD rises.
(As opposed to GOLD RISING as a "currency" because no one trusts worldwide currencies at the present time.)
In other words, the "worldwide markets" would rather trust the USD instead of GOLD. That means, the planet (and all the crooks who leak information) believes the USD will NOT be "printed" any time soon. This is an important temporary confirmation.
Frankly, our clients should NOT believe what the "market" believes about GOLD. It is not at all clear that Uncle Benny will not be forced to PRINT USD.
Be careful.
In the present, as the EUR/USD has decreased, GOLD has decreased as well. What does that mean?
It means that GOLD is trading as a "commodity" that will decrease in relative value as the USD rises.
(As opposed to GOLD RISING as a "currency" because no one trusts worldwide currencies at the present time.)
In other words, the "worldwide markets" would rather trust the USD instead of GOLD. That means, the planet (and all the crooks who leak information) believes the USD will NOT be "printed" any time soon. This is an important temporary confirmation.
Frankly, our clients should NOT believe what the "market" believes about GOLD. It is not at all clear that Uncle Benny will not be forced to PRINT USD.
Be careful.
EU can Save Itself Friday?
There is only one way for the Euro-Zone to legitimately save itself... as we said many times, Germany would have to bankroll all the lazy folks who don't even work a 5 day work week.
Probably Germany is not stupid or corrupt enough to do that. Of course, anything could happen(!)
The only other way (illegitimate way) is to "print" Euros. The Germans are the only real losers in that case because then their wealth is severely devalued in order to make Italians rich. Good deal for the Germans...!
The idiots on the River Island want EUR to be printed. Because the River Island folks are "slow" to understand that the USD would skyrocket then and US Equities would be worthless.
Unless... ah... unless the River Island already knew that Benny B. would then print even MORE currency.
Of course, the River Island folks don't realize that would be a problem for the Republican Party heading into an election year.
River Island "professionals" are really quite simple; otherwise, we wouldn't be in this stupid mess.
Maybe a large sand bar could destroy the river island some day and the US could get back to prosperous times?!
Probably Germany is not stupid or corrupt enough to do that. Of course, anything could happen(!)
The only other way (illegitimate way) is to "print" Euros. The Germans are the only real losers in that case because then their wealth is severely devalued in order to make Italians rich. Good deal for the Germans...!
The idiots on the River Island want EUR to be printed. Because the River Island folks are "slow" to understand that the USD would skyrocket then and US Equities would be worthless.
Unless... ah... unless the River Island already knew that Benny B. would then print even MORE currency.
Of course, the River Island folks don't realize that would be a problem for the Republican Party heading into an election year.
River Island "professionals" are really quite simple; otherwise, we wouldn't be in this stupid mess.
Maybe a large sand bar could destroy the river island some day and the US could get back to prosperous times?!
US Bank Collapse - JP and BA go First
Today, the Consortium for Nationwide Banking Collapse in fact ran an "ad" prompting you to purchase the common stock of US financial institutions... ??!!... haha ha ha ha ha ha hah a hah aha ha hahahaah h aha ha ha ha ha ha!
Good idea! Do it!! None of our clients will, we will short instead.
Europe is not a regional economic issue, it is a US BANKS HAVE INVESTED HEAVILY IN JUNK BONDS THERE issue.
This is 2008 all over again. And some of the poor folks have the Consortium to thank for their losses. Icky.
Good idea! Do it!! None of our clients will, we will short instead.
Europe is not a regional economic issue, it is a US BANKS HAVE INVESTED HEAVILY IN JUNK BONDS THERE issue.
This is 2008 all over again. And some of the poor folks have the Consortium to thank for their losses. Icky.
EUR/USD Technicals - from 11/21
Our 11/21 technical entry remains correct.
We have recently re-entered the level where one more crossing gets us to "worldwide financial collapse avenue"...
We're sure the EU will advertise whatever is possible to prevent crossing that Avenue on Friday in the "Euro-twilight-zone." We suspect the EU needs help from the Consortium for... Nationwide Bank... well, you know.
We have recently re-entered the level where one more crossing gets us to "worldwide financial collapse avenue"...
We're sure the EU will advertise whatever is possible to prevent crossing that Avenue on Friday in the "Euro-twilight-zone." We suspect the EU needs help from the Consortium for... Nationwide Bank... well, you know.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
EU Summit and EUR/USD = US Equities, Commodities, and GOLD as Currency
No one needs a redundant summary of the EU.
Predictions (views into the future) have value, not the problematic and "simple" EU history which has zero value... in fact, negative value.
Thursday in the EU? FABULOUS revelations about how the EU is in fact valuable.
Friday in the EU? Probably more of the same.
No later than Monday in the US? The realization that the planet is screwed one way or the other. Screwed is screwed by any other word(s). Uggg.
We hate it when poor people get fooled and lose their money, e.g. by effectively buying euros so the insti's can prosper.
Predictions (views into the future) have value, not the problematic and "simple" EU history which has zero value... in fact, negative value.
Thursday in the EU? FABULOUS revelations about how the EU is in fact valuable.
Friday in the EU? Probably more of the same.
No later than Monday in the US? The realization that the planet is screwed one way or the other. Screwed is screwed by any other word(s). Uggg.
We hate it when poor people get fooled and lose their money, e.g. by effectively buying euros so the insti's can prosper.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
EUR/USD - Technicals
Wow... after our extended turkey vacation the EUR/USD has risen "slightly" i.e. in between our two intervals.
Watch and learn. "Gravity" will be in action soon.
Watch and learn. "Gravity" will be in action soon.
Fraud by any other word
Fraud by any other word is still fraud.
For example, suppose the insti's create a situation where the "euro" rises vs. the USD.
Then, the insti's sell while YOU lose.
No problem, it's free enterprise. Just create a large organization to steel your money.
No way. That term is reserved for ... ah ... well ... ah ... ??
For example, suppose the insti's create a situation where the "euro" rises vs. the USD.
Then, the insti's sell while YOU lose.
No problem, it's free enterprise. Just create a large organization to steel your money.
No way. That term is reserved for ... ah ... well ... ah ... ??
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