Saturday, November 12, 2011

US Bank Collapse - EUR/USD

The US financial institutions (insti’s) are the same as always.

The head folks want to simply “take the money and run.”

The first grand collapse was in the US housing market when the banks would/should have failed in 2008.

Following that grand collapse, the insti’t had to vacate the US for the lack of opportunity and send their USD to Europe where earnings were higher for the US insti’s.

(Of course, that meant the banks had to play the “credit-score game” and refuse to lend any USD in the USA; therefore, housing prices are very low since a home purchase is a leveraged event – you would need to buy a home in the Euro Zone to get a loan.)

Oops. Another mistake and severe high-risk situation for YOU, not for the INST’S because they are using your money and skimming from the top.

When the unproductive Euro situation resolves itself in another US credit/bank collapse, just make sure you have no funds with any US insti… simple; otherwise, YOU take the default losses (not the US bank/insti) just like the MFB (MF Bank Collapse) situation of bankruptcy. Guess what, the head folks got MF paid but NOT YOU.