So we have done a short local survey. Here are the issues we found:
1. Parking ticket from the City of San Diego sent to the wrong address. Even though the ticket was paid in full, there is a $25 fee with 7% interest and there is a DING on the credit report that cannot be removed no matter what.
2. A local dentist was not paid a $40 extra fee (from a $10,000.00 "invioice") and did not even send a bill. The credit card agencies have been contacted by the dentist's "office" with terrible results for the consumer, and there is no way to "prove the negative = no bill was sent."
3. El Camino(?) Hospital has a $100 extra fee that the health insurance co. never paid from a $40,000.00 bill... credit report devasted for the $100 El Camino mistake. Not for the health insurance co., but for... well, you get it.
No wonder banks do not need to lend in the US... because everyone in the US is a derelict! (Including some of our highest paid employees.)
But the Euro-Zone... no problem, the Euro-Zone has the most productive folks on the planet! That's exactly why BAC and Chase have sent YOUR life savings to the Euro-Zone... because there is less risk there... or... ah... huh?
We hope you have withdrawn all the USD you once deposited with any US institution (insti) so your own $ cannot be used against you.