Key people either pulled off the air or simply drunk again. Probably the former this time.
Yes, there will be excuses.
But, if you ran a TV show would you want your people to air face-time during a second MFGFC? (MF Global Financial Collapse?)
We would pull them off the air so they didn't apprear to be, ah,... well, ah,...,ah... kind of responsible for the collapse.
As always, use confirmations when you get them.
Here's a good example of confirmation:
The CEO of company XYZ is advertised to be on TV immediately following market close. Company XYZ is announcing earnings after the bell.
Would you go on TV to say "sorry, I'm a loser?" Uh uh. You would go on TV to say "we beat our earnings estimates in a good fashion!"
Just take that as a confirmation ahead of time that you already know the earnings results. Just like that guy in jail now... "ahead of time."
"Ahead of time" is the key. And, for YOU, it's NOT illegal as it is for XYZ and TV.