Yes. Today was the third (or so) confirmation from TV that JEF is going down. The three confirmations:
1. Vague .ppt slide about long and short positions being equal (not a good strategy by the way... the strategy we mean... the slide was OK.)
2. TV support-rhetoric about JEF that triggered our knowledge of the issue per the prior week's post.
3. New additional TV support today defending JEF.
Three advertisements (3 is a Fibonacci number) means JEF is "out" to use a baseball analogy.
Advertising = air-time is usually not "free of charge" and whoever goes to the extent to pay for it "usually, in general, on the average" has a reason for the large payment. In this case, the reason could be...?
There was an old Shakespeare play about... ah... protesting too much and thereby providing a thinking clue? We forget the Middle English, but the idea is the same.
Please see a last-week's post to learn more about confirmations available from TV for free (free for YOU.)