The first rule for the Euro-Zone is: DO NOT ALLOW the Euro/US$ to crash on a Friday looking into a 2+ day additional risk-on period for US markets.
Since that EUR/USD ratio will automatically crash, there MUST be something on Thur. or Fri. to help it to "non-crash" just one more time.
1. The Greek PM has been effectively expunged. The wealthy Greeks now control everything and will never be defeated.
2. Italy has won the EU-Zone $4T lottery and is no longer a default threat.
3. The IMF is granting (from somewhere) $10T to the EU, interest only with no principle repayment date required.
4. Spain is somehow "missing" from the planet Earth. No one can find it.
5. There have been reports from Rome that the second coming of Christ has in fact been witnessed but details will need to follow later.
6. Germany has overwhelmingly decided to have all its citizens pay their entire net worth, philanthropically, to the broader EU immediately.
Whatever it is, it will need to prop up the Euro after an interest rate decline and do it fast. Otherwise... well... Friday could be a bad day.