Many wealthy Chinese folks will wake up in a few hours and wonder why their net worth has suddenly dropped significantly again. (Obviously, our clients are not part of that particular net-worth-dropping subset.)
As with anyone, most folks will be thinking about when enough is "enough" and maybe just sell out asap before the loss of even more RMB that have been invested in the failing Euro-Zone.
We can now start to apply the Fibonacci sequence/ratios to the grand worldwide sell-out vs. retracement for the Euro-Zone. Lots of money to be made from the Europeans if you know how to do it.
PS - "RMB" and USD - Since any and all money you have placed into a bank, a mutual fund, a 401K, an IRA, any hedge fund, a money market account, provided to any person or financial entity, etc. is 100% at-risk in this trade without your knowledge, you may want to monitor the Euro-Zone collapse with heightened attention.