Here are the "sell-a-used-car-to-a-sucker" facts about the Euro/USD:
1. The euro needs to be high enough for a few thoughtful folks to SELL FAST!
2. Last Wed. the EU politicians met and said pretty much nothing... but that could not prevent a Euro/USD collapse on Friday before the risk-on weekend.
3. So on Thur. the EU says... super, we have concluded Greese/Grease! The investors only lose 50%! Super great deal!
4. Friday, one sucker after another buys into the Euro/USD (exactly = US Equity Indices) - everything gets bought by poor suckers.
5. Monday... oops. The definition of the 50% loss sends the Big M F Global Collapse into action. A legal action... to steal money by not paying it back. Sometimes, the word never uttered in the "news" is DEFAULT.
That's how it's done at the local used car lot and that's how it's done to you by the Euro problem unless you have listened and have protected yourself. There is much more money losing to come.
Do not consider your $ safe in any bank.