Unfortunately, the Euro was a bad idea. The Euro is a single currency that represents the economies of many autonomous countries.
Any scale of ten countries, for example, would have a worth-rank from 1 (best) to 10 (worst) and number 1 would most likely not be happy with number 10, etc.
Also and unfortunately, the degree of socialism in the Euro block has proved to be a large economic problem so far.
In essence, the Euro is relatively worthless and will become more so with defaults.
You can call a default anything you want to call it, just as you can call printing monopoly money "quantitative easing" but the facts are the same.
Europe has fallen, again. Probably this time the US will not be shortsighted enough to pay.
This time, there is no WW3 because no one in Europe has the power to force a WW3.
There can only be world-wide European default. (Of course, that will be a problem for China and China also does not have the power to force a realistic WW3.)
Most likely, the Euro default will be in the form of monopoly money from the printing presses to the admonition of the number 1 and 2 countries in the Euro zone.
Watch out. There are not 10 years of lies left, there are only a few years max. Everyone needs to consider every aspect of investing. Gold can help you, but you need to live in China in that case.