From past posts, Benny is probably busy in council this evening before April Fools Day.
After the March-end financial reports for the folks who provide Benny money to play with, what does Benny have in mind for the month of April?
He in fact has until 4/4 to get conscensus and decide in this case because either Friday or Monday would be OK to start executing the April plan. In fact, this is great for Benny because he can also play Friday against Monday!
Will Benny think "lets see if we can make upward gains in April and then take it down in May since everyone on TV will follow instructions and say - sell in May and go away"?? -OR- will Benny decide that it's now time to switch TV from the "everything is great" strategy to the "6-nuclear reactor radiation cloud and war in the rest of world/oil price problem news" strategy?
Even Benny can't get timing wrong or some of his folks could get upset. :)
We should know by Mon. or Tues. latest.
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